
How far away is the hotel from the old city of Chania? Can I walk there?

We are 5 km away. It’s a 1 hour walk along the sand y beach or 15 minutes by taxi (8-10 Euro) or bus (every 20 minutes, 1,1 Euro).

Do you have sufficient parking space on your premises for all guests?

Yes, we have freem private open-air parking lot on our premises. Most of the time, this is sufficient for all guest cars but if there is no available space, please ask our help as we have a second parking lot in the vicinity.

What can be found in the vicinity of Ammos (walks, restaurants, shops, entertainment etc)?

Within walking distance, you will find a small wood/park, a children’s entertainment venue, several mini-markets, souvenir shops, supermarkets (500m), a pharmacy, paddleboat rental and a few local taverns. A hairdresser, beauty salon and pilates studio is also nearby. The only restaurants we recommend other than ours, are two very simple, family-run tavernas in the villages of Daratsos and Galatas. Both are a 20 minute uphill walk or a short drive. Please note, there is no decent sidewalk, so pushing a stroller can be difficult.

Are there stray cats in the hotel?

Yes, we do have a few stray cats like most hotels in Greece. But Jonny do not like them.

I want to hike the Samaria gorge; do I have to pre-book it?

No need for that. You can book your trip at the front desk right up until the day before your hike.

Do you provide transfer from Crete’s airports/ports?

If you do not wish to take one of the taxis that are readily available at every port and airport on Crete, please contact our concierge to pre-book a taxi at a special rate. You can also travel to Ammos by taking a bus from the airport to the city centre and taking another bus from the centre to Ammos.